Sunday, May 1, 2016


I am so easily distracted.

Like, a 2 year old with free access to the kitchen cabinets has more focus than I do while trying to write at home.

With tax season, 3 kids, and the need to sleep, I've had no time to sit down and go through the edits of my next book. (Stay tuned for title...and where you can (and will) buy)

Chris has been telling me to just take an afternoon and write. So I did. Today. The problem with my plan is I started watching Hawaii 5-0 on demand and became invested. And I left the door to our bedroom open, allowing kids and animals to come see why I'm hiding.

I have gotten some writing done, but it's been pretty slow going and that's really pissing me off. I'd like to have this edit out by the end of the week, but at this rate, it'll be like the end of the month. (Unless someone wants to write for me...?)

I'd write tomorrow, since I'm off, but I'm going to Disneyland. 

Yes, the one who isn't a total Disney fan, is spending her day off at the park.

How many of you guys are wicked jealous? No?

How about this...I'm NOT taking my kids.

Ha! You're jealous now, aren't ya?

Ok, now that this has managed to find it's way onto my "list of distractions," I'm going to try and write now.

Unless anyone wants to start up a new game of Words With Friends?